For Creators
Create Limited NFT Collections
Avoid content Theft
Block BOTs, Scrapers and Copyright Checks
Give more control and value to your Digital Contents
Earn passive income:
Royalties from ADs (higher - revenue will be splitted between the collection owners)
Percentage from transactions (buy & sell)
The content will be encrypted or secured. Hard to get.
The content will be non-duplicable
The content can be verified
Create Unlimited NFT Collections
Block BOTs, Scraper and Copyright Checks Because bots will not have permissions or NFTs in their wallets
Earn passive income:
Royalyies from ADs (lower - revenue will be splitted between the collection owners)
The content will be encrypted or secured. Hard to get.
The content can be verified
The creator will mint a NFT collection of 100 pieces di una patch/crack of Grand Theft Auto.
1 of 100 will be of the creator. Or more.
10 of 100 will be given away to their loyal users.
89 of 100 will be placed on the market
For each purchase the creator will receive a percentage from 1% to 5%, therefore from the remaining 89 NFTs
When users go to get the content published on the site, an algorithm will monitor the demand and take into account other parameters.
At this point the value of each NFT in this collection will increase in value. Each owner of this NFT will earn a royalty in ADSH for the traffic generated and the advertisements.
Example: April-2022
Views generated: 900000
Average CPM: $ 4,00
Total April-2022 Revenue from ADs: $ 3.600,00
As 1 of 100 pieces: each NFT will collect $ 36,00 in ADSH
NFT value increased
On Anchoreth Content Page or on creator website (if one), there will be a section/widget (or via the anchoreth platform), for those who will sell their NFT or for those who want to make some offers.
For each any new transaction the creator will get a percentage from 1% to 5% as above.
As a creator or owner of NFT I can speculate on the value and sell it for a higher price.
Last updated